Tend Your Tiger Magic!

Something I discovered this year, and I know this sounds obvious.... but I am coming around to the idea that we really do have it all inside of us. I felt for a long time that I needed that external validation to tell me what direction to go in and whether it was 'good' or not. It's taken me a really long time to realise that confidence comes from inside and it'll be about how you feel about yourself that spurs you on. Not how others feel about you, that stuff is just your own reaction to what you 'think' they think anyway! So go on! Tend your Tiger Magic, it's all inside of you, let it out to play!
This new collection was inspired by this as a joyful idea and also to celebrate the year of the tiger, plus I don't know if you've noticed by I'm quite partial to a kitty!
I also incorporated the moon wall hanging into this collection. I initially made her for myself to watch over me but she had such a lovely response I've made her available to buy so she can watch over you too!
There are Meditating Tiger Cushions, Tiger tea cosies and coasters, Tiger purses and DIY Kits, stickers and over the shoulder festival bags! Check out the whole collection here!
